We buy Overstock and Surplus stocks of Integrated circuits, Diodes, Transistors, Memories, Microcontrollers, MCU, Processors, Capacitors, LCD panels, Relays, LEDs, etc. We are buyers of Surplus Electronic Components and Assemblies.

We can move entire lots of excess inventories and offer you total solutions for all your surplus and slow-moving stocks.


Lot purchase:

For swift and easy clearance of excess or obsolete electronic components inventory.

Lot purchase helps you:

Avoid escalating carrying costs of excess inventories, Protects from declining values in a fiercely competitive global market and helps prevent redundancy of Surplus Electronic Components in an ever-changing technologies market.

PHOENIX HITECH’s excess inventory specialists study your excess inventory situations in detail. We assess the type of products and the partner’s timeline to liquidate before making appropriate recommendations. These recommendations help you get the best return from excess inventories.

We work with our partners to determine the most cost-efficient and mutually beneficial inventory liquidation solution. These solutions have been widely appreciated in the industry.

Why PHOENIX HITECH is the best choice for lot purchasing:

We have specialists who evaluate excess inventories. We provide bids for individual lines as well as the entire warehouses.

We recommend outright sale for converting dead inventory into cash. Besides generating cash, it helps you regain valuable warehouse space. You may also benefit from a tax right off! PHOENIX HITECH has the financial ability to make an outright purchase of all your excess components irrespective of the lot size. This service provides the quickest means to move excess chips off your books.

We provide a bid within 2 business days of receiving the listing from you.

Get rid of your excess inventory cost by calling PHOENIX HITECH today.

To get started:

Send your list of excess stock to us:

By E Mail : contact@phoenix-hitech.com


Phoenix Hitech undertakes stocks on consignment basis to realize maximum value and returns for each excess stock item for customers.

Our customers benefit from Phoenix Hitech

Global reach

Decades of presence

Multi-lingual and experienced sales team

Geographical and cultural appreciation and

Worldwide network of warehouses.

We can buy your EXCESS component inventories, arrange shipping and remit payment within 48 hours of receiving your query.

PHOENIX HITECH’s excess inventory specialists study your excess inventory situations in detail. We assess the type of products and the partner’s timeline to liquidate before making appropriate recommendations. These recommendations help you get the best return from excess inventories.

We work with our partners to determine the most cost-efficient and mutually beneficial inventory liquidation solution. These solutions have been widely appreciated in the industry.

Why PHOENIX HITECH is the best choice for consignment partnership:

We offer tailor-made solutions that meet your needs. We offer separate consignment warehouses at various locations worldwide to cater to your exclusive storage needs. You can save warehousing costs, logistics costs and clean your stocks of non-selling lines.

We have a very experienced and dedicated sales team spread across every geographic corner of the world catering to a very large customer base. We broadcast your inventories to maximize worldwide exposure. We help you to liquidate your excess devices promptly.

We can get the highest price for your individual stock items by way of a consignment partnership. You achieve profits on individual items and not just on the lot as a whole. We offer all consignment services at no extra cost. PHOENIX HITECH assumes all responsibility for receivables, so our partners get paid even if PHOENIX HITECH does not.

We provide detailed monthly reports and all receivables from sales are always paid within the stipulated time as per the consignment contract.

We adhere to the best inventory management practices in the industry across all our warehouses around the world. We can provide exact status reports of inventory at any given point in time. We can recall any item from your excess inventory consigned to us and ship it back to you promptly if you desire.

As your reliable partner in asset recovery, we guarantee full compliance with all global environmental regulations. The client’s confidentiality is strictly protected.

We provide a bid within 2 business days of receiving the excess components listing from you.

Get rid of your excess inventory cost by calling PHOENIX HITECH today.

To get started:

Send your list of excess stock to us:

By E Mail : contact@phoenix-hitech.com